Baby Rooms (0-2 Years)

Our bright Baby Rooms cater for babies aged 6 weeks to 2 years; a high staff to child ratio ensures that each baby has the routine that suits best. Staff are professional, friendly and care for babies individual needs.

Babies are encouraged to explore and discover their environment and to develop their Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity skills. Staff encourage babies to develop communication and language skills through listening to stories, recognising pictures in books and through singing.

Babies are encouraged to discover and explore the world around them when going for walks in the local community, during heuristic play and when exploring the treasure basket full of natural materials.

Babies are given opportunities to become aware of their own senses during touch and feely activities, they enjoy messy activities when using paint, foam, gloop, sand and water play etc.

Staff support each babies individual health and wellbeing needs and also help to develop important social skills by forming positive relationships with familiar adults and children around them, as well as learning the skills needed for feeding.

The development of movement and coordination for a child is linked to communication and cognitive development.  This is why observations of a children’s actions are crucial to inform our practice and ensure it is developmentally appropriate. The best way to help babies and young children develop in this area is through providing daily opportunities for physical play, especially outdoors. Our staff support the babies in various physical activities both indoors and out, encouraging them to reach important milestones such as sitting, crawling, standing and walking etc.

We provide a safe, secure environment in which you can be confident your baby will learn and grow while being looked after by dedicated and caring staff.

Tweenie Rooms (2-3 Years)

Our spacious Tweenie Rooms are ideal for developing two year olds and encourage their Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity skills. Staff are enthusiastic, friendly and professional while caring for children’s individual needs.

Children in this age group benefit from a variety of resources and equipment including a role-play, messy, physical, story, sensory, table-top and small world. Children are encouraged to develop independence skills through toilet training, washing hands, brushing their teeth and feeding themselves.

Staff support children’s learning by providing experiences that help to develop communication and social skills. They do this through activities that encourage children to listen to stories/poems, understand and follow simple instructions, use their imagination while participating in role-play and through expressing ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Children are encouraged to begin to recognise shapes and colours in the world around them. They enjoy using a variety of media and techniques during arts and crafts activities and enjoy sand and water play.

Staff encourage children to take part in energetic physical activities indoors and out and are aware that exercise keeps us healthy. In this age group we encourage children to form positive friendships, share and take turns. Children enjoy eating socially as part of a group and begin to learn independence while eating as well as table manners.

3-5 Rooms (3-5 Years)

In the 3-5’s we are committed to ensuring that each child is given the opportunity to achieve and reach their full potential while being supported by qualified and dedicated staff.  Children attending our nurseries are offered a variety of good quality learning experiences through all curricular areas. They are encouraged to be active in their own learning and are challenged by staff that encourage children to learn through play as well as a variety of individually planned learning experiences.

While following the Curriculum for Excellence we provide many opportunities for children to learn through a variety of experiences while exploring their environment.

These include:

Outdoor Play

It is undeniable that daily, high quality outdoor play experiences have a direct and positive impact on children’s physical, cognitive, social, mental health and emotional development.

We see our outdoor space and gardens as an extension of our playrooms. Children have access to outdoor areas where the children can explore the natural environment, have energetic play and learn how to participate in team games etc, these areasprovide various learning opportunities.

We make good use of our resources and encourage children to learn through exploration and investigation by providing interesting and challenging learning opportunities.

At Childcare Scotland we share Scotland’s vision that children should have the best start in life. We believe that outdoor play enhances children’s health and wellbeing needs. There is growing research that shows that children’s access to nature/outdoor play is positively associated with improved self-esteem, physical health, development of language and social skills and learning.