Working Together for Your Child’s Success

At Childcare Scotland Nurseries, we believe in working closely with parents to ensure your child’s safety and development. We provide a supportive and caring environment, with a flexible curriculum tailored to each child’s needs. We keep you informed with daily reports, care plans, and regular meetings to discuss your child’s progress. Whether your child is in our 0-3 Years or 3-5 Years programme, we focus on creating a fun and safe space where they can learn and grow.

A child smiling wearing dungarees in a classroom

We recognise the value of a flexible and responsive curriculum. We know that positive outcomes for children and families are realised in settings which uphold the rights of the child. Where respect and responsiveness to the holistic needs of the individual child are the defining features and are achieved through shared relationships and collaboration.

The early childhood curriculum is about what the child wants to learn within a caring, nurturing environment. While the intentional promotion of specific experiences and interactions are important for young children to learn, so too is a curriculum which values and upholds the rights of the child. The right to a relevant, coherent and child-centred curriculum which recognises and intends to build on what the child already knows. These intentions must be supported by high quality interactions and warm caring relationships. Relationships which are well judged and focussed on extending and deepening children’s skills as lifelong learners.

Pedagogy is what we know about children and how they learn, together with the experiences and responses we provide the curriculum. It describes our methodology and our understanding and beliefs of what is right for young children. In determining the nature of our pedagogy, we need to consider the child, the experiences we provide, our interactions, the spaces, the family and their community and how these factors influence each child’s holistic development and progress in learning. A child centre play pedagogy and curriculum is what fully underpins our practice at Childcare Scotland nurseries. Our staff understand the value and importance of play pedagogy. Play is a natural part of human nature and development for babies and children, the essential role of play is well documented. Through play a child develops their cognitive, social, emotional and physical capacities.

Keeping up to date with best practice and guidelines contributes to the children’s progress and the overall good quality of the children’s experiences we can offer; we have achieved this through a variety of methods. As part of a group of nurseries we are fortunate that we can provide time for staff to research and source resources, which support our programmes. Staff are able to attend meetings and seminars which inform, launch and provide new ideas and experiences for both the children and staff.

We ensure that children’s learning experiences are coherent, relevant and cross curricular. We follow the National Standard Criteria so that we all have a clear and consistent understanding of what is required by us to improve the early years experiences for our children and to give them the best start in life.

Our children have the opportunity to make choices about their learning through big book planning. Children benefit from a group worker who observes the child and plans for their next steps in their development and learning. Children enjoy learning and have access to their care plans/learning journeys; they are free to add pictures and photographs etc.

Our staff interact well and know each child as an individual, children feel safe, valued and secure within the nursery environment. Health Visitors, Speech and Occupational Therapists as well as other professionals visit children when required to.

Our 0-3 Years curriculum was originally underpinned by the Pre-birth to Three framework and we currently use Realising the Ambition. Using these national guidance documentation enables us to support our youngest children in their learning.

We offer children under 3 a variety of learning experiences in the following areas:

  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Communication
  • Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity

We use Curriculum for Excellence and Realising the Ambition as curriculum frameworks for the 3-5 Years. Using these national documentations, we are able to offer a curriculum which is clear, flexible and takes individual children’s needs into account.

We ensure that children are challenged and learning experiences are relevant to the individual child. The curriculum takes full account of local and national advice and follows the principles of the curriculum for excellence, we ensure there is challenge and enjoyment, breadth, progression, depth, personalisation and choice, coherence and relevance in the learning opportunities the children experience.

Curriculum for Excellence helps children gain knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life, it places learners at the heart of education. At its centre are four fundamental capacities, these capacities reflect and recognise the lifelong nature of education and learning. At Childcare Scotland our aim is to treat all children as individuals and support them in becoming:

  • Confident Individuals
  • Successful Learners
  • Responsible Citizens
  • Effective Contributors.

We offer children various learning experiences from each of the Curricular Areas below:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Literacy and English
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive Arts
  • Religious and Moral
  • Technologies
  • Sciences
  • Social Subjects

Childcare Scotland strives to provide well balanced nutritional meals and snacks appropriate to the age of the child. Careful thought is given to a healthy varied diet. Home cooked, nutritious meals and snacks are prepared on the premises or supplied by a third party.

We endeavour to adhere to the guidelines of the National Care standards, Nutritional Guidelines and setting the table. We will adapt our menus if any new information becomes available.

We will ensure that all children’s allergies or intolerances are taken into account along with parent preferences. The menu will be adapted to the best of our ability.

At meal and snack times staff sit with the children and help promote healthy eating.

Children are encouraged to develop good eating skills and table manners.

Childcare Scotland Nurseries provides a service for parents who are returning to work, we understand and appreciate the difficulties of raising a family. For some a child taking ill while they are at work not only means concerns for the child’s welfare but concerns about work and needing time off.

If a child takes ill at nursery, we immediately assess the situation and after all options have been eliminated, we will contact the parents to inform them of their child’s condition. If we believe the child to be infectious or if we consider it to be in the child’s best interest to be at home with their parent, then we would request the parent to collect their child. If you are unable to leave your work, then we would ask you to arrange another adult to collect your child.

We are only able to administer medication if the medicine is prescribed, clearly labelled and an “Administration of Medicines” form has been completed by the parent.

Childcare Scotland Nurseries recognises that working in partnerships with parents and involving them is of major value and importance to the nurseries. The child’s initial focus for learning is his/her environment, home, family and friends, we use this knowledge and build on it, enabling everyone to provide a happy, caring and stable environment for all children. We aim to form a good relationship with parents so that information regarding your child can be exchanged easily and comfortably with nursery staff.

Staff are committed to extend their work with parents and as part of our daily programme we encourage parents to have input to their child’s learning and next steps. Parents are informed of children’s daily activities through daily report sheets; staff observe children during play and learning experiences and plan the next steps for the child’s development. Each child has their own care plans/learning journey which is kept in the playroom and available for parents to look at and contribute to. We also have regular parent’s evenings so parents can discuss their child’s development with staff, this leads to better outcomes for the children.

Our care plans/learning journeys are curriculum area coded and are crucial in the evaluation of children’s progress; these together with care plans/learning journeys and big book planning encourage children to reach their full potential. Observing children along with information from home is paramount to enable children to reach their next steps. Our assessment and recording documentation are linked to Realising the Ambition, the 4 Capacities and the 8 Curricular Areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.

A Daily Report Sheet is used for younger children, which can also be used by parents to communicate information to the nursery.

Daily activities, routines and events are displayed on the main nursery notice board.

It would be helpful to our staff and beneficial to your child if the following requests were met:

Please update yourselves regularly with notices on the main notice board as well as the notice board displayed for each age group. You may be asked to temporarily provide an item from home relating to a current topic or to contribute/participate in nursery projects.

Please inform a senior member of staff if there are any important changes at home, this information will be treated with complete discretion.

Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name.

Please ensure the nursery has your current email address so newsletters etc… can be emailed to you.

We have comprehensive range of policies and procedures; these are available for parents to read. Our polices include Child Protection, Behaviour Management, Complaints and Equal Opportunities amongst others. If you would like to discuss any of the nurseries polices, please discuss with the Nursery Manager.

Childcare Scotland Nurseries operates “Zero Tolerance to Aggressive or violent behaviour”. All parents and staff have the right to be treated with respect.

Our policies and procedures are aimed to protect the health and safety of your child. We also operate to the Care Inspectorate recommended staffing levels in all rooms and play areas.

We have taken a number of steps to ensure your child’s safety whilst at nursery, including the following:

  • Where a door is not directly opened by staff you will find a visual or intercom door entry system at the main entrance.
  • All outdoor areas are securely fenced and gateways fitted with secure locks.
  • Children will not be released to anyone unknown to staff or to someone who is under 16 years of age or without authorisation from parents/guardians.

We ask that you do not allow access to any other person when entering or leaving the nursery, even if you believe it to be another parent. This may appear rude, but we feel is a necessary step to protect your child.

Parents are requested to complete a registration form and sign the consents within it before their child can attend the nursery. Our standard terms and conditions relating to places are within the registration form.

We have endeavoured to give you a brief glimpse of what is available at the nursery however a personal visit to the centre of your choice will allow you to see our quality service in its entirety. To arrange a visit or to answer any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Nursery Manager.