Exploring Our Burnside House Nursery

In 2004 saw the renovation of the former Burnside Children’s Home in Irvine to provide a flexible 140 place facility at Burnside House Nursery. The Nursery offers possibly the most spacious and flexible nursery in the central belt.  This nursery replaces our original Irvine nursery, which closed in early 2002.

Burnside House Nursery is on Kilwinning Road in a large Victorian Mansion House with extensive parking and a fantastic outdoor play space.  The outdoor space is used by all age groups and allows the children to explore the natural environment and the wonders of nature. We encourage the children to take the indoors out, we believe children should have as many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and learning experiences should be as valuable as indoor learning.

Meals and snacks, including hot lunches, are provided.

Our Values and Aims

  • At Burnside House Nursery we aim to treat all children as individuals and nurture their growth through curiosity, inquiry and investigation.
  • Providing a safe environment for children to learn and grow into confident individuals.
  • To give our children the best start in life through enabling environments and high level experiences.

Registration and Terms/Conditions

Parents are requested to complete a registration form and sign the consents within it before their child can attend the nursery. Our standard terms and conditions relating to places are within the registration form.

We have endeavoured to give you a brief glimpse of what is available at the nursery however a personal visit to the centre of your choice will allow you to see our quality service in its entirety. To arrange a visit or to answer any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Nursery Manager.


Baby Rooms (0-2 Years)

Tweenie Room (2-3 Years)

3-5 Rooms (3-5 Years)
